Konvoy: A new managed Kubernetes platform

August 12, 2019   

Konvoy Managed Kubernetes Platform

After a long year of work my company both renamed and rebranded, and my team and I finally shipped the managed Kubernetes platform “Konvoy” we had been developing this year.

Konvoy is a “turn-key” Kubernetes distribution which provides an easy to set up and maintain certified Kubernetes distro. It comes with a range of default addons which are deployed by default and include managed configurations, and at it’s best it’s konvoy up and then you have a fully operational Kubernetes cluster at your disposal.

It was a lot of work, and was ultimately very rewarding to develop and ship this software and I’m very excited to continue working on Kubernetes at D2iQ and take our work to Kubecon this year where I’ll be speaking about the project.

I’ll be working on some blog posts using Konvoy as the year progresses, happy coding!